Friday, April 26, 2013

A Funny Touch of Perspective

I had way too much fun last night with a good friend. Good dinner, good movie, good conversation, lots of laughs, a nice blow out. But you know what they say - life is a series of crests and troughs. I rode the crest last night and woke up in a trough.....a touch bleary eyed this morning but knuckled down and rolled out of bed to do my usual morning trawl on the internet, looking up conservation news and seeing what's going on out there in the great wilderness that we collectively call Planet Earth.
It's a tough morning for conservation buffs. The news is nearly all bad. Rhinos officially wiped out in one park, elephants slaughtered en masse in Central African Republic after a government overthrow, Thai baby elephants broken and tortured into compliance, lions hunted in deplorable, canned hunts for trophies, giraffes hung in poachers snares......I mean - it's just flat out depressing.
I saw a wise saying that one should focus on the positive to get more of that. I admit, I had a hard time doing that this morning. Outside, the skies are grey and gloomy and not helping either. Inside, I am about to ready to throw in the towel for the day, just go ride and forget about the rest.
Then I happened upon this video. The intro on Facebook promised it would make my day. I wondered, but I gave it a go.
I don't know what it will do for you, but it picked me up off the floor and threw me into a higher gear. This is one inspiring - and funny - young man. One of my favorite lines is near the end at 6:29......what's yours?
Hey Jack - you brought me comfort, inspiration and joy, not to mention, perspective.
Thanks, mate!

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