Wednesday, April 24, 2013


For a writer, there is only one thing better than writing something truly inspired. That is finding out that something you wrote inspired another writer to write something inspired. Such is the case with my guest blogger today, Nadja King.
Nadja is the incredible brains and visionary behind a host of extraordinary ventures and efforts. She founded Horses For LIFE Publications, is the owner/editor of the cutting edge online magazine for which she also both writes and photographs, and does a whole lot of other stuff, most of which I don't quite understand - it's way above my paygrade. But I know it's all incredible stuff, in the way only stuff can be incredible, you know?
Nadja was also the first person to say 'Hey you, Susannah, you're a writer. Write for me.' As she is extremely persistent, she usually gets her way and my Riding By Torchlight column was born. She was also the first to recognize when my articles about a riding safari were really the first chapters of a book. Come to think of it, Nadja represents and has provided me with all kinds of first's in my life. Thank you, Nadja.
Here is another first.
I am proud to present my first guest blogger, Nadja King, and this beautiful piece she wrote after reading my blog, Boston. Enjoy.
Why Boston?
Why is it that Boston garnished so much attention? We have Syria. But that is elsewhere.  We had, the very same week, a fertilizer plant that blew up in the same country. More people dead, more devastation. 
Yes, there was the drama, the fear, the crazy dramatic police chase. But I truly believe it is more than that. 
There are events, times, when enough of our souls, our hearts reach out without thought of protection - searching, open, true, with compassion and love and in that moment of searching, that moment of looking for answers we open our souls, our heartlight up and when we do, it is always a beautiful true moment. When 'many' of us do, when our thoughts, hearts, align in that moment something special happens. We connect. We feed off each other, we enhance each other in that moment. 
And we can no more look away but are drawn to live again and again in that moment, looking not for the horror but the possibility of connection, a return to who we really are, not separate beings rushing around like a hive of ants, but life forces that have always been one. We are so powerful, so pure in that moment of connection of common thought. We may curse electronics, game playing, etc as taking us away from a real life. But in reality it is leading us back to who we really are. 
Creatures of pure energy, white light, thought, who when enough of us align,  can do anything, as all reality is just energy. Electronics, tv give us an easier opportunity to experience the same thing, thought, emotion at the same moment in time, and with reruns to experience the now over and over again, each rewatch amplifying that moment. 
Sad perhaps that it is in a moment of horror that we let our guards down enough to open up our feelings of compassion and love and let them shine out from ourselves so purely. Boston, the unexpected, gave us no time, no moment to protect ourselves, and in that moment our heartlight shone forth, in love and compassion. Together we felt, we experienced and for a brief moment we felt together, as we always have, always, will be. 
To letting the light shine forth freely from all of us.


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