Thursday, April 4, 2013

Bond, Ellie Bond

This is so cool. I am sitting on my chair, looking out at a wet, cold and rainy day - which, in Texas, counts as a day of celebration. I know, I know, other parts of the world are positively floating away, you'll want to spit in my eye for celebrating rain, but here we are going from drought to severe drought to worse drought, watching trees shrivel up and drop like flies, year after year. It's no picnic, either.

But this morning, after three days of overcast and rainy days, the world outside my window is emerald green and sopping wet, my rosebushes are bursting with life, and the surviving trees are sporting little, fresh, bright green leaves. It's a respite from the cold and dry months that lay behind us, and a rest before the long, dry and excruciatingly hot months that lay ahead, where the outside world becomes as hostile and uninviting as the coldest, darkest, blanketed - in - 10 - feet - of - snow winter day.

Meanwhile, the world inside resonates to the most extraordinairy sounds in my ear. I've got my headphones on and the sound turned up, and a hypnotic beat pulsing away, underscoring the vocal orchestrations of.......elephants. And it is so well, cool and subliminally stimulating, I just had to tell you about it.

It starts out all subtle and slow, putting me in mind of one of those runway shows with flashing lights and emaciated models slinking down the stage with their cheeks sucked in (of course, in my mind, they are instantly replaced with plump elephants swinging along in their gravity defying and supremely graceful walk, posing with raised trunks and outspread ears) but then it slowly builds in intensity untill I am thinking Bond, James Bond, shaken not stirred. Or maybe that's Bond, Ellie Bond.

Come to think of it, that is an appropriate pun. The bond that exists between elephants, emotional, social, psychological and physical is, after all, famously profound and more than equal to what we would claim as humans. Which makes the current crisis in poaching and trade in elephants and their body parts all the more horrifying. But that is another story for another day.

For now, I shall just sit and listen to their song, listen with an open mind and heart and see what dreams may come as their voices resonate through my being, leaving behind their indelible footprints.

If you'd like to have a listen too - and I highly recommend it - click here:

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