Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Need a Laugh?

Need a laugh? I do. Some heavy lifting going on in this country these days, and I think, in the whole, wide many opposing forces, ideas and ideals, theories, philosophies and idealogies and hidden agendas and Good Lord it is a wonder anything gets done at all.

Yep, I have broken my cardinal rule and watched the news lately. Don't bother, I'll break it down for you.

It's all bad and we are all wrong one way or another. We're all going to hell in a handbasket, though nobody can agree upon how, why or whose fault it is, or the exact date, since our expiration date on Dec. 21st, 2012 has expired.

And that's the news. Good Night and Good Luck.

We might as well skip the handbasket and go out dancing. And when I do, I want to make it look something like this.

P.S. I dare you not to laugh, I dare you not to bounce in your chair!!!


  1. Too funny! Thanks for the laugh!

    1. Delighted you enjoyed it! Thanks for checking in. SC
