Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Carrying Stars


You know how something can hit you right between the eyes and be so right it almost hurts? Doesn't matter if it's a shoe, a shirt, a pair of slacks, a hat, a dress, a word, a song, a look, a flower, a tree, a smile, a heart -  you want it in your life because somehow you know it speaks your language, it fills some little gap, completes some sentence you have left undone, inspires some wellbeing you never knew was absent untill it's return. It's a glove that fits your soul.
That is how I felt when I first heard Nikolaj Grandjean, a fellow dane, a singer/songwriter/poet/lyricist/musician extraordinaire. My sister-in-law sent me a song and before the song was over, I was running to iTunes as fast as my little internet legs would carry me....5 minutes later, his album, Carrying Stars, was playing on my iPod and I was in raptures.
It's a go-to album. When I am not sure if I am happy or sad, need to calm down or wake up, laugh or cry - I put on this album and whatever I was before, I am now just what and where I need to be. When I left Kenya recently after an 8 day horseback safari, and spent 30 hours en route, mourning my departure from a place that holds my heart in it's hands like no other place on earth, this was the album I played, and played, and played again, it's subtle tunes and soaring poetry easing me through a difficult time. While I could do nothing but sit and mourn, Carrying Stars carried me home.
Have a little listen. You never know - you just might find a glove for your soul. 

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