Monday, December 9, 2013

The Birdie Blog

One of the great benefits to snow and ice is the birds take a sudden and profound interest in my birdfeeders. I run out, bundled up like the Michelin man loaded up with bins and canisters of birdseed and they flit around, shrieking and calling and whistling while I load them up and feel like Cinderella in The Sound Of Music singing the The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Birdsong. For which I will receive an Oscar, weeping profusely while I cry out "You like me, you really, really like me!" to an audience of feathered creatures. Yes? No?
Well, they like me now when I am Source of Food Numero Uno. But I'll take it. My reward? This may be a little talked about fact, but birds Will Model for Food. So I get to tune up my camera skills and once in awhile catch something I like, really, really like.

Like this one:

I call it the The Angel and The Cardinal, which might sound kind of naughty to some, and I know who you are. Come on now, it's Christmas, clean it up! It's a hymn, don't you know?

This one:

Is Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal, which could seriously spoil everyone's fun, especially the Angels.
The cardinals are really fun so I have a lot of those, they are bright, active, stand out in a crowd  and can kick some serious birdie bootie:

They can also levitate, which I think is another little known fact:

Mrs. Cardinal is so over this fun party trick though once it sure sealed the deal, but if you look closely you can see that this particular ability has one little sparrow running for the statue. Scaredy cat. Yep, there he goes...

Now here comes a favorite - both a favorite bird, the dove, and the favorite pic so far. Because it's action and beauty with a little mystery thrown in. Or so it tells me. What does it tell you? Or do I really want to know? Hmmm...
Not to be left out, here comes another cardinal looking like the mysterious stranger who just rode into town in his many colored coat. Yes, I am mixing up characters and storylines all over the place. Why? Because I can. It's my blog. And I'm getting cabin fever and it has addled my brain, if you must know.
Now, it's almost Christmas, so let's end on that note shall we? I mean, is this photo just made for a Christmas greeting card or what???
Oh wait! I almost forgot. I call this one,
The One That Got Away.
And it was THIS big!

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