Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sand Castles

So, I am about to take off for a week again, but thought I'd leave you with something. I took this picture, kind of liked it and was playing around with something to write about it. Then, in the far recesses of my mind, a memory stirred and it seemed to me I once wrote something called Sand Castles. Lo and behold, I went straight to the right old journal ( I mean, we are talking decades here) and found it on my first try. So here you go. From a very young, work-in-progress me.......to you. It's kinda sweet....
Sand Castles
I built us a castle
of the finest sand my love could find
I made it our kingdom
our paradise, our refuge
We were king and queen
Nothing could come between
you and I.
Monsters, demons and devils
they all passed our way
our castle held strong
weathered every gale
withstood every storm
We didn't have much
but for a spell
it was enough.
We lived each day as a fairytale
Cocooned in a shell
of gilded dreams
our love the finest pearl
or so I thought
For Time has a funny way
of changing the face of life
And what one day
seems so real
The next
can seem the strangest dream.
So it is
my fine castle
vanished before my eyes
In the single swell
of an oncoming tide.
As I sat and watched
helpless to the change
A sweet voice
whispered in my ear.....
It was just a sandcastle,
no more
no less real
Than your past and your future
Reality is now
It is here.

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